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homepage Harp Anima Keltia

Medieval, Rinascimental and Celtic music

E V E N T S​

June, 15-16 2024   

"Alla corte dei Signori Tempesta" 

Palio delle contrade

Noale Padova (Italy)

July, 6-7 2024   


Médiévales de la Citadelle

Parfumerie Delforge Namur (Belgium)

August 10.11  2024   

"Medieval Legend"   

Fete médiévale

Bouillon, (Belgium)

this year big summer tour in Belgium and France. Waiting to see you!

Anima Keltia

All Rights Reserved © 2024 by Mélanie Bruniaux alias Anima Keltia Celtic Medieval Music Harpist.

Photo's of  Irene Reffo, Bruna Zavattiero. 

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