Anima Keltia
New Dates
February, 14 2025
"Love songs"
Cantine Ricchi
Monzambano, MN (Italy)
April, 18 2025
Private Event
Château de Montaigle (Belgium)
April, 19-20 -21 2025
"Medieval Legend" with Rumelin
Chateau Fort de La Roche
La Roche-en-Ardenne (Belgium)
May, 24-25 2025
"Medieval Legend" with Rumelin
Fete Médiévale de Corroy-le-chateau
Corroy-le-chateau, Gembloux (Belgium)
June, 14-15 2025
"Armonie Medievali"
Palio di Noale
Noale, VE (Italy)
July 19 2025
"Mélodie de la Terre du Milieu"
Medieval Anniversary (Private Event)
Broxeele, Nord Pas de Calais (France)
July 20-21 2025
"Medieval Legend" with Rumelin
Château de La Roche
La Roche-en-Ardenne (Belgium)
August 09-10, 2025
"Medieval Legend" with Rumelin
Les Médiévale de Bouillon
Chateau de Bouillon (Belgium)
July, 12-13, 2025
"Medieval Legend" with Rumelin
Fete Medievale
Petit Rechain, Belgium
April, 25 2025
"Viaggio nelle Terre di Mezzo"
Agazzano Fantasy
Agazzano, PC (Italy)
data da definire 2025
"Arpa sotto le Stelle"
Bosco Allegro
Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo , VR (Italy)
September 29, 2025
"Sanitas Musicam et orationem"
Saperi e Sapori
Manerba del Garda, Brescia (Italy)
October 31, 2025
"Musica per la festa di Samhain"
Circolo Culturale Nuova Analisi,
Verona (Italy)
For your events
Anima Keltia is a Celtic medieval harpist. She plays at receptions, art exhibition openings, celebrations and weddings, Celtic-medieval-fantasy festivals, private events, historical revival, etc.
With the aid of her music she tells the audience stories of fairies, brave knights and traditional stories. She takes us on a fabulous journey through time and space and allows rediscover hidden and uncharted worlds.
Through traditional tunes of Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Brittany she leads us to green hills, colourful fields, enchanted forests, blue lakes and high cliffs above the sea.
Thanks to the medieval and the renaissance music background people feel like they have just entered castles, gardens and churches of the whole Europe.
Saba Ferrari describes her music and her artistry in a very poetic way: "The strings of her harp, plucked and caressed, bring to mind the fairy woodlands, mischievous goblins, nymphs and underwater cities, taking us in a magical world of poetry".

Past Events 2025
Past Events 2024
April 25 2024 "Melodie della Terra di Mezzo" with Chordae Antiquae Soncino Fantasy Soncino, CR (Italy)
April 23 2024 "Conferenza sull'arpa nel tempo" Auser Verona Bagnolo di Nogarole Rocca, VR (Italy)
March, 31, 2024 "Risveglio" , Evento in Hotel, Bardolino (Italy)
May 17 2024 "Arpa sotto le Stelle" Bosco Allegro Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo , VR (Italy)
May 25-26, 2024 "Medieval Legends" with Rumelin Fete Medievale de Corroy, Corroy-le-Chateau, Gembloux (Belgium) CANCEL FOR BAD WEATHER
June 15-16, 2023 "A corte degli Tempesta" Palio di Noale Noale, Venezia (Italy)
June 22, 2024 "Melodie delle Terre di Mezzo" with Anima Keltia Trio Castello di Montorio Veronese VR (Italy)
June 23, 2024 "Musicae et Fabulae" with Chordae Antiquae Duo Festa multiepoca Castello di Montorio Veronese
July, 06-07, 2024 "Arpeggio" Fete Medievale de la Cittadelle (Parfumerie Delforges) Namur, Belgium
July, 13-14, 2024 "Medieval Legend" with Rumelin Fete Medievale Petit Rechain, Belgium
July 19 2024 "Arpa sotto le Stelle" Bosco Allegro Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo , VR (Italy)
August, 10-11, 2024 "Medieval Legend" with Rumelin Bouillon Medieval Bouillon, Belgium
August, 17-18, 2024 "Sanitas Musicam et orationem" With Rumelin Fete du chateau des Ducs de Loraines
Sierck-les-bains, France
August, 19-20, 2024 "Medieval Legend" with Rumelin Chateau Féodal de la Roche en Ardenne Belgium
August, 24-25, 2024 "Harmonies Médiévales" Grande Foire de la Saint-Louis Crecy en Ponthieu, France
August, 31 - September 01, 2024 "Medieval Legend" with Rumelin Medieval Beauraing, Belgium
September, 21 2024 "Arpa sotto le Stelle" Bosco Allegro Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo , VR (Italy)
September, 22 2024 "Musicae et Fabulae" Festa multiepoca Castello di Montorio Veronese Montorio, VR (Italy)
September 29, 2024 "Sanitas Musicam et orationem" Saperi e Sapori Manerba del Garda, Brescia (Italy)
October 12 2024 "Amore..èmusica" Verona, VR (Italy)
October 31, 2024 "Musica per la festa di Samhain" Circolo Culturale Nuova Analisi, Verona (Italy)
Dicember 14 2024 "Armonie Innevate" private event Mizzole, VR (Italy)
Past Events 2023
December 10, 2023 "Armonie Innevate" Castello di Montorio, Verona (Italy)
November 03, 2023 "Romeo and Juliet songs" Private event with Casa Shakespeare, Verona (Italy)
October 31, 2023 "Musica per la festa di Samhain" Circolo Culturale Nuova Analisi, Verona (Italy)
September 24, 2023 "Musica al Tempo degli Scaligeri" Manerba del Garda, Brescia (Italy)
August, 26-27 2023 "Musique au temps de la Guerre de 100 ans" Crecy en Ponthieu, France
August, 20, 2023 "Jeu Musical" Sierck-les-bains, France
August, 12-13, 2023 "Musique et conte" Bouillon, Belgium
Agosto 05-06, 2023 "Armonie Medievali" con Luciano Sberzé Festa Medievale di Ossana, Trento (Italy)
Luglio 28, 2023 "Arpa sotto le stelle" Bosco Allegro, Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo, Verona (Italy)
Luglio 13, 2023 "Amor...èMusica" private event Capella dei notai ,Verona, (Italy)
June 17-18, 2023 "A corte degli Tempesta" Palio di Noale Noale, Venezia (Italy)
May 29, 2022 "Amor...èMusica" private event Verona, (Italy)
May 27-28, 2023 "Medieval Legends" with Rumelin Corroy-le-Chateau, Gembloux (Belgium)
April 25, 2023 "Melodie della Terra di Mezzo" Soncino Fantasy, Cremona (Italy)
March, 04, 2023 "Celtic Women" , Circolo Nuova Analisi Verona (Italy)
Past Events 2022
Febbruary, 12-13 2022 "Fiori in Musica" con Luciano Sberzè Festa delle orchidee Flover, Bussolengo, Verona, Italy
May, 14 2022 "Musique et conte" Cervia Medieval Chièvres, Belgium
May, 21 2022 "Harmonie Medievali" Palio di Camisano Camisano, Italy
June 04 2022 "Amor...èMusica" private event Verona, (Italy)
June, 11 2022 "Medieval and Celtic Fairytales" Librar Cornedo Cornedo Vicentino, Italy
June, 26-27 2022 "Harmonie Medievali" Montorio Medieval Montorio veronese, Italy
JJuly 01-02 2022 "Leggende in Musica" Pizza Festival Costermano Verona, (Italy)
July 09 2022 "Amor...èMusica" private event Sant Ambrogio di Valpolicella Verona, (Italy)
August, 14-15 2022 "Musique et conte" Bouillon Medieval Bouillon, Belgium
August, 21 2022 "Jeu Musical" Fete du Chateau Sierck-les-bains, France
August, 27-28 2022 "Musique au temps de la Guerre de 100 ans" Grande Foire de la saint Louis Crecy en Ponthieu, France
September, 03-04 2022 "Harmonie Rinascimantali" Convivio a Palazzo Ceresara Mantova (Italy)
September 17-18 2022 "Harpe Romantique" Giardini Aperti Padova, (Italy)
October 02 2022 "Musica al Tempo degli Scaligeri" Saperi e Sapori Manerba del Garda, Brescia (Italy)
October 19 2022 "Conferenza sull'arpa nel tempo" Auser Verona Verona (Italy)
October,31, 2022 "Samhain musica e rito" , Circolo Nuova Analisi Verona , VR (Italy)
Dicember 10 2022 "Religious Atmosphère" Cantina Desenzano, Brescia (Italy)
Past Events 2021
Dicember 31, 2021 "Harp New Years" Hote SPA Bardolino Bardolino VR (Italy)
October,31, 2020 "Samhain musica e rito" , Circolo Nuova Analisi Verona , VR (Italy)
September,26 2021 "Incanto d'Arpa" Gconvegno online, (Italy)
September 05, 2021 "Amor...èMusica" Private Event Verona (Italy)
August 07-08, 2021 "Harmonies Medievales" with Christophe Dadseux Fete médiévale Bouillon, (Belgio)
July 31, 2021 "Amor...èMusica" with Amelie Grunenberger Private Event Malmedy, Liège (Belgium)
July 09, 2021 "Mon coeur Mis à nu" Evento letterario Sirmione, BS (Italia)
June 25, 2021 "Harmonies Medievale e celtica" Notte D'incanto Porto Mantovano, (Italia)
June 05, 2021 "Note d'arpa" Librar Cornedo Cornedo Vicentino, (Italia)
March 20, 2021 "Amor...èMusica" with Maddalena Private Event Verona (Italy)
March 03, 2021 "Qual Piuma al Vento" online with Il Teatro di Ipazia Teatro Camploy, Verona (Italy)
Dicembre 18, 2021 "Arpa Sommelier" Visit Amarone Palazzo Camozzini, Verona (Italy)
October 16-17 2021 "The Korrigan and the Fairies" Troll's et Legends Mons, (Belgium)
September,05 2021 "Melodie della Terra di Mezzo" Soncino Fantasy Castello di Soncino, CR (Italy)
August 22-23, 2021 "Harmonies Medievales" with Amélie Grunenberger Fete du chateau Sierck Les Bains, (France)
May, 10 2021 "Armonie Medievale" Privilegium Ottone II Lazise, VR (Italy)
May 16 2021 "Medieval Legends" with Rumelin Fete Médiévale Chièvres, (Belgium)
Past Events 2020
October, 24, 2020 "Qual Piuma al Vento" with Il Teatro di Ipazia Villa Albertini, Arbizzano, VR (Italy)
September,27 2020 "Romantiche note d'Arpa" Gardini Aperti Giardino Treves, Padova (Italy)
September 19, 2020 "Amor...èMusica" with Chordae Antiquae Private Event Mogliano Veneto, treviso (Italy)
September 17, 2020 "Notte d'arpa" Cento notte in rosa Emanuel café, Verona (Italy)
August 30 2020 "Reverie d'un soir ..." with Olivier Schmitt Les duettos de la chorale Eglise de Ligneuville, (Belgium)
August 29, 2020 "Amor...èMusica" with Les troubadours d'Alienor private event
August 09, 2020 "Harmonies Medievales" Festi' Park Parc De Groote, Téteghem, (France)
July 24, 2020 "Note d'Arpa" Incontro con l'autore Chiesa di Santa Maria della Neve, Sirmione (Italy)
Febbraio, 15 2020 "Armonie Medievale" Cena Medievale Verona, VR (Italy)
February 06 2020 "Arpinfavola" Didattica a Scuola Verona, VR (Italy)
February 06 2020 "Notte d'Arpa" Private Event Verona, VR (Italy)
January 18-19 2020 "La harpe des fées" Salon du bien etre Marcinelle, (Belgium)
January 09 2020 "Arpinfavola" Didattica a Scuola, Verona, VR (Italy)
March , 02 2020 "Qual Piuma al Vento " with Ipazia Teatro Spettacolo teatrale Teatro Camploy
Verona, VR (Italy)
March, 06 2020 "Qual piuma al Vento" Spettacolo Teatrale a Villa Albertini Arbizzano, VR (Italy)
April 04-05 2020 "The Korrigan and the Fairies" Chimères et Légendaire Couvin, (Belgium)
April 18-19 2020 "The Korrigan and the Fairies" L'Orée des Légendes Monthermé, (France)
April, 23 2020 "Qual piuma al Vento" Spettacolo Teatrale Illasi, VR (Italy)
April,25 2020 "Melodie della Terra di Mezzo" Soncino Fantasy Soncino, CR (Italy)
May 01-02-03 2020 "La harpe des fées" Salon du bien etre Matagne, (Belgium)
May, 10 2020 "Armonie Medievale" Privilegium Ottone II Lazise, VR (Italy)
May 16 2020 "Medieval Legends" with Rumelin Fete Médiévale Chièvres, (Belgium)
May 30-31 2020 "Medieval Legends" with Rumelin Fete Médiévale Corroy-le-Chateau, (Belgium)
June 19, 2020 "Voyage en Terres Celtes" with Olivier Schmidt Arduinna Festival Vielsam, Liège (Belgium)
June 20, 2020 Amor...èMusica" with Amelie Grunenberger Private Event Malmedy, Liège (Belgium)
July 04-05, 2020 "Armonie Medievali e Rinacimentali" Aspettando la Battaglia Cascina, PI (Italy)
July 11-12 2020 "The Korrigan and the Fairies" Fete Médiévale Fantastique Monceau, (Belgium)
July 25, 2020 "Harmonies Medievales et fantastiques" Private Event Broxeele, (France)
August 01, 2020 "Harmonies Medievales et fantastiques" Fantastic Quest Broxeele, (France)
August 08-09 2020 "Medieval Legends" with Rumelin Fete Médiévale Bouillon, (Belgium)
August 22-23, 2020 "Harmonies Medievales" with Amélie Grunenberger Fete du chateau Sierck Les Bains, (France)
September,06 2020 "Melodie della Terra di Mezzo" Soncino Fantasy Castello di Soncino, CR (Italy)
May 16 2020 "Medieval Legends" with Rumelin Fete Médiévale Chièvres, (Belgium)
Past Events 2019
Dicember 20 2019 "Aspettando Yule" Circolo Culturale Nuova Analisi Verona, VR (Italy)
Dicember 15 2019 "Armonie Innevate" Cantina Ricchi Monzambano, Mantova (Italy)
Dicember 12 2019 "Arpinfavola" Didattica a Scuola Verona, VR (Italy)
November 14 2019 "Arpinfavola" Didattica a Scuola Verona, VR (Italy)
November 07 2019 "Note d'arpa" Gala EWMD Verona (evento privato) Verona, VR (Italy)
Ottobre 23 2019 Note d'arpa" trentesimo Anniversario di Auser (evento privato) Verona, VR (Italy)
Ottobre 4, 5, 6 2019 "Armonie Medievali" con Chordae Antiquae Fete Médievale Malcesine, VR (Italy)
September 29, 2019 "Les Rossignolets du bois joli" with Amélie Grunenberger Estampuis Saint Léger, Estampuis (Belgique)
September 22, 2019 "Armonie Medievali" Saperi e Sapori Manerba del Garda, BS (Italy)
September 20, 2019 "Chordae Antiquae" Leonardo in Movimento Arzignano, VI (Italy)
Septembre 14-15, 2019 "Harpatelier" avec Arkadia Atelier Maurice Frydman visite et musique pour les journées du patrimoine Bruxelles, (Belgium)
Septembre 07-08, 2019 "Celtic and Medieval legends" La Nismoise Festival Fantastique Nisme, (Belgium)
August 24-25, 2019 "Les Rossignolets du bois joli" with Amélie Grunenberger Grande Foire de la Saint Louis, Crecy en Ponthieu, (France)
August 17-18, 2019 "Les Rossignolets du bois joli" with Amélie Grunenberger Fete du Chateau Siercl-Les-Bains, Loraine (France)
August 10-11, 2019 "Medieval Legends" with Rumelin Fete Medievale de Bouillon Chateau de Bouillon, Bouillon (Belgium)
August 03, 2019 "Note d'arpa" Festa dei Briganti Idro, Brescia (Italy)
July 20, 2019 "Voyage en Terre Celte" avec le trio AnimaKeltia&Co Festival de Musique Celtique Bouillon, Bouillon (Belgium)
July 13-14, 2019 "The Korrigan and The Fairy" Fete Médiévale Le Monde Fantastique Monceau sur Sambre, Charleroi (Belgium)
July 06-07, 2019 "Armonie Medievali e Rinacimentali" Aspettando la Battaglia Cascina, PI (Italy)
June 29, 2019 " Armonie Medievali" Palio di Camisano Camisano, VI (Italy)
June 27, 2019 "Arpa al Tramonto" Exclusive HandMade Lungolago Marconi, Lazise, VR (Italy)
June 15-16, 2019 "Armonie Rinascimentali" con Il Saltarello Danza Storica Finale Estense Finale Emilia, MO (Italy)
June 13, 2019 "Arpa al Tramonto" Exclusive HandMade Lungolago Marconi, Lazise, VR (Italy)
June 08-09, 2019 "Armonie Medievale" Palio Medievale di Noale , VE (Italy)
June 07, 2019 "Il cammino dei Pellegrini" Lunga notte nelle chiese nella Chiesa di San Fermo Via San Fermo, Verona, VR (Italy)
June 02, 2019 "Romantiche note d'Arpa al Parco" Giardini Aperti Parco Treves, Padova (Italy)
May 30, 2019 "Note d'arpa" Festa privata Torri del Benaco, VR (Italy)
May 26, 2019 "Fiori in Musica" Festa di San Filippo Torri del Benaco, VR (Italy)
May 25, 2019 "Qual Piuma al vento" con Ipazia Teatro lTeatro San Benedetto quartiere Valdonega, Verona (Italy)
May 18-19, 2019 "Medieval Legends" with Rumelin Fete Medievale de Corroy, Corroy-le-Chateau, Gembloux (Belgium)
May 03, 2019 "Beltane tra musica, leggende. e tradizioni " Circolo Nuova Analisi Verona, VR (Italy)
May 01, 2019 "I fuochi di Beltane " Beltane al Castello Montorio Veronese, VR (Italy)
April 17, 2019 "Qual Piuma al vento" con Ipazia Teatro Teatro di Bussolengo Bussolengo, Verona (Italy)
April 14, 2019 "Fiori in Musica" Noale in Fiore Nolale, VE (Italy)
April 13, 2019 "Arpa al Tramonto" Spring Market con Mani Cuore Passioni Lazise, VR (Italy)
March 31, 2019 "Armonie Medievale" Citadella in Festa Lonato del Garda, BSR (Italy)
March 30, 2019 "Armonie Medievale" Cena Medievale privata Verona, VR (Italy)
March 16, 2019 "St Patricl Traditions and Legends" ST Patrick Festival Grazzano Visconti, Pavia (Italy)
March 11, 2019 "Qual Piuma al vento" con Ipazia Teatro sala Civica Buttapietra, Verona (Italy)
March 10, 2019 "Qual Piuma al vento" con Ipazia Teatro sala Polifunzionale Via Mincio, Verona (Italy)
March 08, 2019 "Qual piuma al vento" con Ipazia Teatro Teatro Villafranca Villafranca VR (Italy)
March 06, 2019 "Le donne di Shakespeare" con Ipazia Teatro Teatro Villafranca Villafranca, VR (Italy)
February 23, 2019 "Armonie Medievali Carnavalesche" Cena Medievale privata Verona, VR (Italy)
January 05-06, 2019 "Qual piuma al vento" con Ipazia Teatro Teatro santissima Trinità Verona (Italy)
Past Events 2018
Dicember 24, 2018 "Harmonies d'hiver" Messe de Minuit Eglise ST Joseph de Sovimont, Floreffe (Belgium)
Dicember 21, 2018 "Racconti d'inverno" with Libricini Natale sotto gli Ulivi Biblioteca di Garda, VR (Italy)
Dicember 13, 2018 "Armonie Innevate" Evento aziendale privato Verona (Italy)
November 30, 2018 "Parole al vento" with Libricini Natale sotto gli Ulivi Biblioteca di Garda, VR (Italy)
November 17-18, 2018 "Medieval Legend" with Rumelin Marché de l'histoire Compiègne, (France)
November 10-11, 2018 "Chordae Antiquae" with Luciano Usi e Costumi Ferrara, (Italy)
October 31, 2018 ore 20.00 "Samhain tra musica, leggende e tradizioni" Concerto propiziorio per il rito del fuoco di Samhain Associazione culturale Nuovanalisi, Verona (Italy)
October 13-14, 2018 "Voyage en Terres Celtes" with Olivier Schmitt and Amélie Grunenberger Main stage Fetes Gauloises de Cambrai Cambrai, (France)
October 6, 2018 "Notte d'Arpa" giornata aperta alla Aronne Music Accademy San Pietro Incariano, Verona (Italy)
September 29-30, 2018 "Musicum Iter Saeculorum" , Mons Taur Adunata Multiepocale, Montorio, Verona (Italy)
September 22, 2018 "Amor..èMusica" Private Event, Fourmies, Nord (France)
September 15-16, 2018 "Medieval Legend" with Rumelin Saint Symphorien, Mons, Hainaut (Belgium)
September 9, 2018 "Armonie Rinascimentali" Festa nella Storia, Pojana Maggiore, Vicenza (Italy)
September 7 - 8, 2018 "Arpa al Tramonto" Mercatino dei Sogni Cisano, Verona (Italy)
August 19, 2018 "Harmonie Medievale" with Amélie Grunenberger Fete du chateau Sierck-les-bains, Loraine (France)
August 16, 2018 "Armonie Medievali" Monfumo Medievale Monfumo, Treviso (Italy)
August 02, 2018 "Celtic Dream" with Fabrizio Presentazione "I sentieri dell'anima" Sirmione, Brescia (Italy)
July 27, 2018 "Arpa al Tramonto" Mercatino dei Sogni Torri del Benaco, Verona (Italy)
July 25-26, 2018 "Armonie Medievali" Malcesine Medievale Malcesine, Verona (Italy)
July 21-22, 2018 "Harmonie Medievale" with Amélie Grunenberger La foret enchantée Fourmies, Avesnois (France)
July 14, 2018 "Amor..èMusica" Private Event Broxeele, Nord (France)
July 09, 2017 Arpa al tramonto Chiesa di San Nicolo Lazise- Verona (Italy)
June 30, 2018 Note d'Arpa Pro Loco Nanno, Trento (Italy)
June 26, 2017 Arpa in Piazza Via Albarello Lazise- Verona (Italy)
June 22-23-24-25, 2018 ore 21.15 "Qual piuma al Vento" with Ipazia Teatro Chiostro di Santa Maria in Organo
Verona, VR (Italy)
June 17, 2018 ore 16.00 "Leggende in Musica" with Simona Cremonini Biblioteca Desenzano, Brescia(Italy)
June 09-10, 2018 "Armonie Medievali" Palio di Noale Noale, Venezia (Italy)
June 7, 2018 "Note d'Arpa" with Valentina Turata Chiostro di San Zeno Verona, VR (Italy)
May 26-27, 2018 at 10.00 to 19.00 "Medieval Legend" with Rumelin Chateau de Corroy Corroy - le - Chateau, Brabant Wallon (Belgium)
May 13, 2018 "Armonie primaverili" Castello di Montorio Montorio, VR (Italy)
May 12, 2018 "Amor..èMusica" Private Event San Bonifacio, VR (Italy)
May 01, 2018 "Beltane, traditions & Legend" Castello di Montorio Montorio, VR (Italy)
April 30, 2018 "Fiori in musica" Garda Oli Ola Garda, VR (Italy)
April 25, 2018 "Melodie della Terra di Mezzo" Pizzighettone Fantasy Pizzighettone, Cremona (Italy)
April 14, 2018 "Fiori in Musica" Bardolino Mio Fiore Bardolino, VR (Italy)
March 25, 2018 "Ostara, history & Legend" Castello di Montorio Montorio, VR (Italy)
March 24, 2018 "Celtic and Garda Legend" Museo della carta di Toscolano Toscolano del Garda, VR (Italy)
March 17-18, 2018 "Ireland, history & Legend" Borgo Medievale Grazzano Visconti, PC (Italy)
March 11, 2018 Armonie Medievali Cortile della casa del Podestà Lonato del Garda, BS (Italy)
March 07, 2018 Leggende in Musica with Simona Cremonini Teatro di San Giovanni Evangelista evento privato AUSER Verona via Quadrante, VR (Italy)
March 05, 2018 at 15.30 Donne di Shakespeare with William Bertozzo Sala Civica Buttapietra, BS (Italy)
February 17, 2018 Utopyca cd presentation with Marco Marana Guitar Shop Santa Maria di Negrar, VR (Italy)
January 28, 2018 Utopyca cd presentation with Marco Marana Ristorante Al Tesoro Corrubio di Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo, BS (Italy)
January 19, 2018 Leggende in Musica with Simona Cremonini Biblioteca di Sirmione Sirmione, BS (Italy)
January 14, 2018 Note d'Arpa with WIlliam Bertozzo Centro Polifunzionale di Via Po Verona, VR (Italy)
Past events 2017
Dicembre 24, 2017 Armonie Innevate Messe de minuit Eglise de Sovimont, Namur (Belgique)
Dicember 22, 2017 Armonie Innevate Victorian Rai Miniature Mosan Namur, Namur (Belgique)
Dicember 17, 2017 Armonie Innevate Villa Sesso Schiavo Sandrigo, VI (Italy)
Dicembre 16, 2017 Armonie Innevate Medievali Castello di Montorio Montorio, VR (Italy)
Dicember 10, 2017 Armonie Innevate Villa Valmarana Bressan Vigardolo, VI (Italy)
Dicembre 08, 2017 Armonie Innevate Chiesa di San Valentino Bussolengo, VR (Italy)
Dicembre 03, 2017 Armonie Innevate Luci di Natale in Villa Povegliano, VR (Italy)
November 26, 2017 Armonie Innevate Luci di Natale in Villa Povegliano, VR (Italy)
October 29, 2017 Viaggio nelle Terre dei Celti Samhain le notti degli antichi Adro, BS (Italy)
October 25, 2017 Notte d'Arpa Bank private event Gargagnago, VR (Italy)
October 12, 2017 Arpatelier presentazione corso di arpa celtica al CEA Verona (Italy)
September 10, 2017 Armonie rinascimentali Tra Medioevo e Rinascimento Pojana Maggiore, VI (Italy)
September 09, 2017 Leggende in Musica Brescia Fatasy Day Brescia, BS (Italy)
September 08, 2017 Amor...èMusica Private Event Mozambano, MN (Italy)
September 02, 03, 2017 Medieval Harmony for La Charlemagn'rie - Herstal- Liège (Belgium)
August 27, 2017 Medieval Harmony in duo with Amélie Grunenberger for La grande Foire de Saint-Louis
Crecy en Ponthieu- Picardie (France)
August 26, 2017
Medieval Legend in duo with Rumelin for La grande Foire de Saint-Louis Crecy en Ponthieu- Picardie (France)
August 20, 2017 Medieval Harmony in duo with Ameie Grunenberger for Fete du chateau Sierck-les-Bains- Loraine (France)
August 13-14-15, 2017 Viaggio nelle Terre dei Celti with Andreè Bottiglioni Lughnasad Mel- BL (Italy)
August 01-03, 2017 Tramonto sul Lago - Desenzano- Verona (Italy)
July 29-30, 2017 Medieval Harmony Reinhardstein- Liège (Belgium)
July 16-23, 2017 The Korrigan and The Fairy Festival du Conte Baden- Bretagne (France) with Cindy Sneesens
- 16 Juillet 21h Jardin Llmur Vannes "Luna Blanche" harpe et conte
- 21 Juillet 11h Médiathèque de Baden "Guéwenn et le berceau de la rivière" harpe et conte
- 21 Juillet 22h30 " L'Arbre des Plaisirs" harpe et conte
July 10- 11, 2017 Tramonto sul Lago - Desenzano- Verona (Italy)
July 01, 02, 2017 Medieval Harmony Cascina- Pisa (Italy)
June 24-25, 2017 Melodie della Terra di Mezzo with Andreè Bottiglioni for Fiamma Imperitura Castel del Rio- Bologna (Italy)
June 01, 02, 03, 04, 2017 Medieval Harmony with Andreè Bottiglioni and Raffaelo Bifulco Montorio - Verona (Italy)
May 27 -28, 2017 Medieval Harmony with Christophe Chadseux Corroy-le-chateau - Gembloux (Belgium)
May 21, 2017 Medieval Harmony Castello di Godego- Treviso (Italy)
May 20, 2017 Amor...èMusica Private event Sandrà- Verona (Italy)
May 19, 2017 Religious Atmosphere for Festival Biblico Verona (Italy)
May 13, 2017 Fiori in Musica Torri del Benaco - Verona (Italy)
May 08, 2017 Tramonto sul Lago with Marco Franceschini, Andreè Bottiglioni and Lucia de Carlo- Lazise- Verona (Italy)
May 07, 2017 Medieval Harmony - Magnalunga - Montorio - Verona (Italy)
May 06, 2017 Fiori in Musica - Festa delle Rose- Bussolengo - Verona (Italy)
April 24, 2017 Celtic Land -Montorio - Verona (Italy)
April 22, 2017 Medieval Harmony - Cittadella in festa - Lonato del Garda - Brescia (Italy)
April 09, 2017 Sound in the sky Rocca in Fiore - Lonato del Garda - Brescia (Italy)
April 08, 2017 Fiori in Musica Fiorinda - Taio - Trento (Italy)
April 02, 2017 Celtic Land Artigiani in Villa Gritti - San Bonifaccio - Verona (Italy)
March 19, 2017 Viaggio nelle Terre dei Celti "Festa di San Giuseppe" Oratorio di Bovolone - Verona (Italy)
March 18, 2017 ST Patrick Concert with Andreè Bottiglioni and Lucia de Carlo ST Patrick Days - Arsenale di Verona (Italy)
March 02, 2017 Viaggio nelle Terre dei Celti - San Giovanni Lupatoto - Verona (Italy)
Past Events 2016
Dicember 28, 2016 Snowed Harmony Concert Gavardo (Italy)
Dicember 16, 2016 Snowed Harmony Concert Pieve di San Floriano (Italy)
Dicember 01, 2016 Green Island with Andreè Bottiglioni and Raffaelo Bifulco Pub 900 Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella (Italy)
November 20, 2016 Snowed Harmony Concert Luci di Natale in Villa Villa Balladoro Povegliano Veronese (Italy)
October 27, 2016 Celtic Travel Inauguration event Verona (Italy)
October 07-08-09 2016 Celtic Travel with Lucia de Carlo, Andreè Bottiglioni and Simona Cremonini Cerusa Celtic Fest Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR) (Italy)
October 23, 2016 Harp Course Presentation Concert with Amelia Aronne Accademy San Pietro Incariano (VR) (Italy)
Settember 24-25, 2016 Armonie Medievali Voci dall'Evo di Mezzo Citadella (Italy)
September 20-21, 2016 Tramonto al Lago with Andreè Bottiglioni Lazise (Italy)
September 16-17-18 2016 Amonie Rinascimentali Assedio in Villa Poggio a Caiano (PO) (Italy)
September 11, 2016 Amor...èMusica Bridge on the Pò Ostiglia (Italy)
Settember 03-04, 2016 Armonie Medievali Charlemagn'rie Herstal (Belgium)
August 28, 2016 Religious Atmosphere with Amelie Grunenberger Maingovales celebration Maing (France)
August 27, 2016 Medieval and Celtic Leggend with Amelie Grunenberger La Foret enchantée Anor(France)
August 21, 2016 Armonie Medievali Fete du Chateau Sierck-les-bains (France)
August 16-17, 2016 Tramonto al Lago with Andreè Bottiglioni Lazise (Italy)
August 13, 2016 Armonie Medievali with ANdreè Bottiglioni Dracarys LARP Rezzanello (italy)
August 06-07, 2016 Medieval and Celtic Leggend with Olivier Schmitt De Fer et de Feu Rebecq (Belgium)
July 28, 29, 30 and August 01, 02, 2016 Tramonto al Lago with Andreè Bottiglioni Lazise (Italy)
July 01-02, 2016 Armonie Medievali Aspettando la Battaglia Cascina PI (italy)
June 24-26-27 2016 Amonie Rinascimentali Aperture of "Don Chisciotte" of the teatral compagny Teatro Ipazzia. Chiostro di Santa Eufemia Verona (Italy)
June 26, 2016 Celtic travel with Simona Cremonini, Paolo Gulisano and Roberto Fontana Festa delle fate Garda (VR) Italy
June 19, 2016 Vita Dominae Concert Lonato del Garda (BS) Italy
June11, 2016 Amor...èMusica Liege (Belgium)
May 21, 2016 Greensleeves with Andreè Bottiglioni Talent Show Nuovi Talenti alla Ribalta Verona (Italy)
May 27-28-29 2016 Amonie Medievali Montorio VR (italy)
May 15, 2016 Armonie in Festa Piazza Brà Verona (Italy)
May 19, 2016 Armonie Medievali with Paolo Gulisano Caccia al Tesoro Library Verona (Italy)
April 28, 2016 Vita Dominae Concert Ristorante Santa Felicità Verona (Italy)
April 16, 2016 Vita Dominae le Concert! with Amelie Grunenberger, Lucia de carlo, Andreè Bottiglioni, Eleonora Galassy Sovimont (Floreffe-Belgium)
March 20, 2016 ST Patrick Concert with Paolo Gulisano Verona (Italy)
March 12-13, 2016 Armonie Medievali Lonato del Garda (Italy)
March 11, 2016 Celtic and Fantasy travel Verona (Italy)
Febbruary 14, 2016 Romantico San Valentino La Tigella Verona (italy)
Febbruary 14, 2016 Notte d'arpa per Giulietta e Romeo Casa di Giulietta Verona(italy)
Past Events 2015
Settember 26-27, 2015 Armonie Medievali Voci dall'Evo di Mezzo Citadella (italy)
Settember 11-12-13, 2015 Viaggio nelle Terre dei Celti Music Celtic Corner Subiaco (Rome)
September 05-06, 2015 Harmonie Médiévale Herstal (Belgium)
August 30, 2015 Messe Médiévale Medieval and Renaissance Melodies for Celebration Maing (France)
August 29-30, 2015 Voyage en Terre Celte Anor (France)
August 23, 2015 Harmonie Médiévale Sierck-les-bains (France)
August 06-07-08-09, 2015 Leggende in Musica with Simona Cremonini Lonato Del Garda (Italy)
July 24-25-26, 2015 Armonie Medievali San Marino Republic
July 05, 2015 Leggende in Musica Musical- Reading on Garda leggend with Simona Cremonini (Whriter) Andreè Bottiglioni (Percussion) and Mélanie Bruniaux (Celtic Harp) Ponti sul Mincio (Italy)
June 27, 2015 Viaggio nelle Terre dei Celti with Roberto Fontana Notte della Cultura Cerea (Italy)
June 19-20, 2015 Armonie Rinascimentali with Eleonora Galassy Palio del Torrione Bubbano(Bo)
June 06-07, 2015 Armonie Medievali with Andreè Bottiglioni and SImona Cremonini Animation and musical-letterary session Affi (VR)
May 31 and June 01-02, 2015 Armonie Medievali Animation and Conference on the Harp and his history Montorio (Italy)
May 23, 2015 Religious Atmosphere with ANdreè Bottiglioni Festival Biblico Verona (VR)
May 09-10, 2015 Viaggio nelle Terre dei Celti Fiorimpopoli Forlimpopoli (Italy)
April 12, 2014 Melodie d'Amore Private Concert Monza (Italy)
March 29, 2015 Armonie Medievali Lonato del Garda (Italy)
February 14, 2015 Melodie d'Amore San Valentine dinner at Tigelleria Verona Verona (Italy)
January 29, 2015 Melodie d'Amore Inauguring concert for Club di Giulietta Verona (Italy)
January 06, 2015 Snowed Harmony Concert "Danzando con la Befana su un tappeto di polvere di Fata" Cattolica (Italy)
Past Events 2014
Dicember 28, 2014 Medieval Christmas Concert Private Concert (Belgium)
Dicember 21, 2014 Medieval Christmas Recital Marché de Noel Celtic music and Tales from Belgium Chimay (Belgium)
October 19, 2014 Anima Keltia on TV Musical interlude during Serie A onTelearena Verona (Italy)
October 19, 2014 Armonie Medievali "Festa dei Marroni" San Zeno di Montagna (Italy)
October 5, 2014 Armonie Medievali exhibition of "Templari Oggi" San Procolo Church, Verona (Italy)
September 13, 2014 Armonie Medievali "Assaggi di Medioevo" Sabina Cattazzo book presentation at Excellence Lab Villa Valverde, Verona (Italy)
September 7, 2014 Canti delle Fate "Il Magico Mondo del Cosplay" Parco Sigurtà, Valeggio sul Mincio (Italy)
August 7, 2014 Medieval Celtic Melodies "Lonato In Festival" Rocca Viscontea , Lonato (Italy)
July 14, 2014 Medieval Celtic Melodies "Il collezionista di Arcani" Luigi Scapini book presentation at Excellence Lab Villa Valverde, Verona (Italy)
June 21, 2014 Viaggio nelle terre dei celti Photo Art Exhibition opening "Parco in Mostra" Parco Sigurtà, Valeggio sul Mincio (Italy)
May 31, 2014 Armonie Medievali reenachtment "Torneo del Cigno Bianco" Castello di Montorio, Verona (Italy)